Sunday, June 30, 2013

What is not special to you, Nanay?

Spent an afternoon of gardening with the kiddos. When I urged them to plant one kind of vegetable each, Rod came up to me and said, "Ano yung ayaw mo na plant, Nay?" Not quite getting what he's driving at, I asked him what he meant. He rephrased pointing at the different seeds at our feet, "Ano yung di special sa yo?"
I wondered if he's into the "rebelling" stage already, wanting to do something I would hate. Probably noting my confusion he explained, "Baka kasi mamatay, 'Nay. Buti na yung di special sa 'yo." And my heart melted right through. I chided myself for ever doubting my son. 'Love you, Rod. Thank you for being so thoughtful and mindful of Nanay's feelings 
He ended up planting pechay, not actually a "non-favorite" but ranked less in priority this week, compared to arugula, lettuce and cherry tomatoes Forest planted the latter and she looked adorable dropping seeds in pre-readied recycled cans and watering them after. It was my niece-daughter, Janin who stuck with me till the end, planting arugula and basil 
Thank you, God for a glorious Sunday afternoon

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