Friday, August 30, 2013

Line of 7

We were prepared for the worse because he briefed us beforehand that he got a "few" line of 7 grades. That was quite a blow but noting his worried countenance we consoled, "We're not happy, that's for sure but we'll treat it as we usually do - like a team. We just have to work extra hard. I'll be more strict, no more dilly-dallying pag mag-study na."
He shared, "Worried gud talaga, Nay when I knew. Until now. Buti konti lang galit ni Tatay." Only to find out the only line of 7 he got was 97 for CLE  We don't know where he got the impression  Imagine our relief! He had to work harder for English and Math though. Only 85. He did promise he'd work double time this time. Sana nga. My realization, it pays not to push that hard so that the motivation to work harder is for the right reasons... #cardday

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