Sunday, July 9, 2017

Thank You!

Just as we boarded the ferry, the engine indicator lit up so Tatay had to switch off the AC just to make sure we don't get stuck or something. Leaving the pier and a little further away, Tatay decided not to risk it and asked that the Lola's, Aunts and the kids take the taxi's instead in going home. He and I will then take the car to the shop. Rod muttered, "Thank you, Lord."
I had to ask him what the "thank you" is for. He replied, "Kasi mainit na masyado (because it had become too hot to travel) so He made a way to make it better for us. Taxi it is!" Hahaha! I think a little of my "lectures" on always looking at the positive side of things is finally rubbing off on him hehehe What great sense of humour this kid has though. Mana sa Tatay talaga!

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