Wednesday, November 29, 2017

On Screen Time, Mothering, and Baking

Started the day with a good hour lecturing (fighting with) Rod why he’s better off spending time interacting with us or walking or playing outside than being glued to his phone watching YouTube.

It was quite a drama which included my being accused of not wanting him to be happy; to me, giving him a definition of what true happiness means. There was also a point where he did he’s unlucky to have ended up with a parent like me. I observed myself whether I was stung by it or not. I wasn’t really. I know Rod so well And for all our arguments and epic wars, I am quite secure where his love for me is concerned. I know he’s only saying things out of spite, to regain control over the situation and assert what he wants. So I had to tell him about my life, how clear things are with me where my wants, goals and direction  are concerned. I told him, I  quite happy and proud of my work. I see meaning in it. I am grateful to be doing what I want and I wouldn’t want it in any other way. I told him I wouldn’t have known about these things had I spent my teenage years being glued to the screen. I told him now that he’s 12, it’s high time for him to start thinking about these things. I said he may hate me now but he would thank me later. Of course he said he would not be thankful later. He’s at that stage after all.

I ended my “lecture” by telling him I just want him to be fully equipped y the time he gets to the world out there. He would be on his own. Most of the time that is. I don’t want him so totally out of touch of his feelings just because he spent a good part of his teenage years being glued to his done, absorbing external things.

To take his mind off the gadget,  I asked him to accompany me to the hardware for the paints needed by those working on the house.  Since he won’t lend me some loose change, I said we had to walk home then. Quite rebellious as he is, he ended up walking the other way. Half-way through my walk, a tricycle met me with him in it haha! He can’t abandon his Mom after all which is quite reassuring. And yes, deep down he does love me after all.

Oh the photos?  Haha! That’s me, baking after, experimenting with using healthier alternatives of pink salt and honey over regular salt and white sugar. It’s a chocolate chip kind of banana cake though so not exactly THAT healthy.

Had to make Rod choose between having to bake or washing up after breakfast. He opted the latter since Lola has already started haaaaay!

So yeah that’s how my morning is so far. For now Rod and I are agreeing on what time he really started with the fone. He’s on his two hour limit today. Sigh!!!

#motheringateenagesonmeanslonghashtags hahaha!

Update: he’s currently working at what he’s beat at, at home — fixing the salad and being too OC about it that he makes sure the albums underneath the coffee table are perfectly aligned hahaha! Someone’s taking after Nanay :)

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