Sunday, June 28, 2020

Unsaon Ma na Ron?

A few nights back, Tatay was on the bed wailing, "Forest, ang akong buhok." (Forest, my hair.) This is in reference to his hair serum that Forest is "assigned" to put on Tatay's scalp every night.  Forest, who was seated on the floor, playing with her wooden kitchen contraption whispered in reply, "Unsaon ma na ron? Wala nama'y buhok gyud?" Hahaha this kid!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

More Interesting!

So I'm quite sleepy but still have to finish a report.  Forest, meanwhile, has shown interest in a book.  Khaled Hosseini's none the least.  She got started with the first page and then urged me to read to her.  I obliged but then the urgency of finishing the report is rearing it's ugly head.  Anyhow, I read a few lines and remembered how I found this particularly story poignant.  I told Forest so and as we got started, I told her, "See how interesting it is to read stories?"  Forest quickly countered, "Mas interesting pag Mom mo magbasa! (It's more interesting if it's you Mom who reads to you!)"  :P